Vuonna 2024 keskitämme koulutuksemme kahteen kylään Luoteis-Ugandassa lähellä Kongon rajaa, Vurraan ja Alibaan.
Koulutuksiimme osallistuneiden tarinoita
Tässä yhden Awadifo ry:n yrittäjyyskoulutukseen Ugandassa osallistuneen tarina. On hienoa olla mahdollistamassa heikompiosaisten ponnistelua kohti parempaa tulevaisuutta. Toivottavasti Hellen saa avullamme pienen liiketoimintansa pyörimään mahdollisimman pian, jotta edes yksi hänen lapsistaan pystyy jatkamaan koulunkäyntiään.
Dawaru Hellen is 34 years old, mother of 5 children. Hellen participated in AWADIFO -UG training in enterpreneurship carried out in January in her village. As a mother of 5 she said before the training she did not have the confidence, skills and knowledge for engaging in business. Hellen therefore made plans to be a fish monger and sell simsim cakes as well in the nearby markets in the village. Hellen also said before the training 4 of her children dropped out of school from primary 6 and 7 because she was not able to support them well. She then said she will use proceeds from her business to support her girl who is now in primary 5 not to drop out of school.

Hyvä synnyttää hyvää <3. Avullamme Alice auttaa kylänsä nuoria tyttöjä työllistymään. Näin autamme parhaiten heikompiosaisia heidän omassa maassaan.
Draru Alice is a beneficiary of AWADIFO -UG training in entrepreneurship. Alice is a 35 year old mother of 2 children, Alice has tailoring skills that she has not put into use. During the training she said she learnt how skills to use to start her tailoring and her plan is to have an affordable tailoring training center for the girls in her village, to reduce rampant unemployment among girls.

Myös Ben on päässyt osallistumaan Awadifo ry:n järjestämään yrittäjyyskoulutukseen Ugandassa. Sinun avullasi voimme kouluttaa lisää yrittäjiä hankkimaan toimeentuloa perheelleen.
This is Angurini Ben. He is 25years old married and a father to 2 children. Ben participated in AWADIFO -UG training in entrepreneurship in January 2023 in his village. Upon a quick self assessment, Ben made plans to sell second hand clothes in his village which he said had available market throughout the year. Ben also plans to use the proceeds from his business for reinvestment and thereafter use some for taking care of his young family. He appreciated the training saying that he gained knowledge and confidence to venture into business which he didn’t have before.